12 Lessons for Christian Growth

The following lesson is on God’s plan of salvation. Salvation represents the whole work of God by which he rescues man from the eternal ruin and doom of sin. In John 3:16 The Bible states that… “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son…”

God’s gift is a free gift. All you can do is accept it. In the following lesson, you will see God’s wonderful plan for your life offered to you through Jesus Christ, his Son.

Memorize John 3:16

Lesson 1 Questions

  1. How do the verses below describe man?
    1. Isaiah 64:6
    2. Romans 3:10
    3. Romans 3:23

    Main Point: All men are sinners


  2. According to Romans 6:23, what is the result of sin?
    __________________________________________________Main Point: Sin causes death. Both physical and spiritual death apart from God.
  3. Read Psalm 5:4 and Revelation 21:27. According to these verses who cannot dwell with God?
    1. Psalm 5:4
    2. Revelation 21:27


  4. What do the following verses say about man’s efforts to gain salvation?
    1. Galatians 2:16
    2. Titus 3:5
    3. Ephesians 2:8-9


  5. In your own words explain the meaning of Ephesians 2:8-9
    __________________________________________________Main Point: Man cannot work his way to heaven, he can never obtain perfection by himself.
  6. Read Colossians 2:13-14 and 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 and answer the following questions.
    1. What was your condition prior to being made alive in Christ? (Colossians 2:13)
    2. Do you think there was any sin in Jesus Christ? (2 Corinthians 5:21)
    3. What did Jesus become for us and why? (2 Corinthians 5:21)
    4. Is there any sin that is not forgiven through Christ? (Colossians 2:13-14)

    Main Point: Jesus Christ made a complete payment for all our sin, and offers man his own perfection. Through Jesus man can enter heaven.


  7. In the New Testament approximately 115 passages state that the salvation of a sinner depends only upon “believing,” and in another 35 it is said to depend on “faith,” which is a synonym for believing. Believing is contrasted to works in the Bible. It does not consist of man’s efforts but instead is trusting in what another has done. According to the following verses what must man do to have everlasting life?
    1. John 6:47
    2. Romans 3:22
    3. John 1:12

    Main Point: Man must receive Jesus Christ as his personal Savior by believing in what Jesus has done for him.


  8. Read 1 John 5:11-13
    1. What is God’s testimony (witness) concerning his Son?
    2. According to this passage can you know that you are going to heaven when you die?
    3. How can you be certain you will spend eternity with God?

    Main Point: Man can know for sure that he has eternal life.


  9. Using the knowledge you have obtained from this lesson along with the Bible references below, list the seven main points in God’s plan of salvation for mankind.
    1. Romans 3:23
    2. Romans 6:23
    3. Revelation 21:27
    4. Ephesians 2:8-9
    5. 2 Corinthians 5:21
    6. John 3:16
    7. 1 John 5:11-13


  10. Using the seven points above explain, in your own words, why a person needs Jesus Christ for salvation.

The phrase eternal security means that the person who has put his trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, can never lose that salvation. For in Jesus Christ God promises us eternal life. In this lesson on eternal security we will bring forth Biblical evidence of this truth.

According to the Bible, it is by God’s grace that we are saved through faith in His Son (Ephesians 2:8-9). We can be certain, that once we are saved, we will never lose it because it rests solely on the work of God apart from any effort by man.

Just as man cannot work his way to heaven, once he is saved he cannot do anything to lose it.

Memorize 1 John 5:11-13

Lesson 2 Questions

  1. According to John 3:16 what does the Father guarantee those who believe in His Son?
  2. What Does the word “eternal” mean to you?
  3. According to 1 John 5:11-13 how can we know that we have eternal life?
  4. The word “know” has a ring of certainty to it. What does it mean to you that you can know that you have eternal life?
  5. According to what you have already read, God’s Word says that you can know that you have eternal life through Jesus Christ. in John 5:24, what does Jesus promise to those who believe in the word of the Father?
    1. He has __________________________________
    2. He will not be __________________________________
    3. he has crossed from __________to __________
  6. The definition of the word “promise” means a pledge to do. What fact about God’s promises is brought out in Titus 1:2?
  7. According to James 1:16-18 do you believe God will change His mind about your salvation? Why or why not?
  8. Read John 3:15 again. The verse states that it is because of God’s love for us that He gave His Son.
    1. List the things in Romans 8:38-39 that cannot separate us from God’s love. __________________________________________________
    2. Is there anything that can separate us from His love? _______________________________________


  9. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He took our place and paid the full price. The blood He shed for our sins covers all sin for all people for all time. Answer the following questions:
    1. What does Romans 8:1-2 say about those who are in Christ? __________________________________________________
    2. What does it mean that there is “no condemnation” for those in Christ? __________________________________________________
    3. What have you been set free from? __________________________________________________
    4. If you have been set free from the law of sin and death is there now any sin that you can be condemned for? Explain. __________________________________________________


  10. According to the Scriptures man has one of two destinies. He will spend eternity in heaven, or perish forever in hell. So it is logical to assume that if a man could lose his salvation at that exact point in time he would be destined for hell. How does Jesus’ words in John 10:27-29 prove that you cannot ever lose your salvation?
  11. What you must remember about God’s free gift of salvation is that it rests on Him alone, apart from any effort on your part. To believe that you cannot lose your salvation is to only take God at His word, that He is truly able to keep you. In your own words explain the meaning of Jude 24.
  12. From the lesson that you have just completed explain in your own words why you believe that you can never lose your salvation.

“The men who have most fully illustrated Christ in their characters, and have most powerfully affected the world for Him have been men who spend so much time with God as to make it a notable feature in their lives… To be little with God is to be little for God.” E.M. Bounds

A quiet time is a daily, unhurried time of Bible reading and prayer. It is the heart of your fellowship with God, where you get alone with him, away from the noise and distractions of the day. It is your opportunity to open the communication lines between Him and you. Following are some practical suggestions for your daily quiet time.

  1. Set a Regular Time It is impossible to legislate when and how much time should be spent. It varies with the individual. Many people want to begin their day with a quiet time in the morning. It helps to get a proper focus for the day ahead. Our recommendation is for you to begin by spending at least 30 minutes daily reading your Bible and in prayer. You can build on this as you become more consistent.
  2. Set a Regular Place You will usually have a more productive quiet time if you can find a regular place where you know it will be quiet and away from potential distractions. Noise and disturbances from the busy world around you are the most common disruption to your quiet time.
  3. Read with a Pencil It is good to have a pencil in hand ready- to record thoughts, insights, and personal applications which God may give to you as you read your Bible. It is good to log these thoughts in a daily journal, so that you can look back and reflect on what God has been showing you. Don’t be afraid to underline key verses or passages in your Bible as you read.
  4. Meditate You may be impressed to meditate on a specific passage or verse as you read. Meditation is thinking upon and contemplating the Word by mulling it over again and again in your mind. This is in order to receive a deeper meaning to the verse, or revelation of God or to better understand how it applies to your life. In meditation you are allowing God to speak to you through the particular passage you are mulling over.
  5. Scripture Memorization is putting to memory key verses so as to have a spontaneous use of the Word in everyday living. The following suggestions will help you in memorization:
    1. Place the topic of the verse at the top of a 3×5 index card.
    2. Write out the reference (where it is found in the Bible) over and under the verse itself.
    3. Write out the verse word for word.
    4. Attempt to memorize it verbatim.
  6. Prayer, another vital part of your communion with God, is actually talking to God. It is your open communication line to Him. Jesus sets the model for our prayers in Matthew 6. There are five major types of prayer.
    1. Adoration This is the worship or praise of God.
    2. Confession Asking forgiveness for sin present in your life. It is admitting before God that you have disobeyed His Word, are sorry, and have changed your mind (repented) about that sin.
    3. Petition Prayer requests for yourself.
    4. Intercession Prayer for the needs of others.
    5. Thanksgiving Showing gratefulness for the blessings that God has bestowed upon your life.

NOTE: It is good to keep a prayer list of the things of which you desire to pray. It assists you to remember for whom and what you want to pray. It can also be a source of encouragement by updating it regularly and reflecting on how God has answered your prayers.

This lesson on having a quiet time is designed to give you an understanding of what a quiet time is and why it is so necessary for living in vital union with Christ. The ultimate goal is to learn how to consistently feed yourself with daily nourishing intakes of the Word and time in prayer.

God promises numerous times in His Word that if you seek him, he will be found by you (Jeremiah 29:13.) In your quiet time You will discover more about God, learn to know Him in deeper ways, and how you can please him with your life. So seek him with all your heart.

Memorize John 15:5

Lesson 3 Questions

  1. What do the following verses say about companionship with Jesus Christ?
    1. John 15:4-5
    2. 1 Corinthians 1:9


  2. What do the following verses say about spiritual growth and nourishment?
    1. Psalm 119:104
    2. Jeremiah 15:16
    3. Hebrews 5:12-14
    4. 1 Peter 2:2


  3. What do the following verses teach you about seeking God?
    1. Mathew 6:33
    2. Jeremiah 29:13
    3. Hebrews 11:6
    4. Hosea 10:12


  4. From what you have heard thus far, why is it important for the believer to have a daily quiet time?


  1. Read Matthew 6:5-8. What are some favorable and unfavorable characteristics of prayer, mentioned in this passage?
    1. Favorable __________________________________ __________________________________
    2. Unfavorable __________________________________ __________________________________


  2. Read Matthew 6:9-13. According to this passage who should you address in your prayers? __________________________________
  3. List and define the five types of prayer.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
    3. __________________________________
    4. __________________________________
    5. __________________________________
  4. Again list the five types of prayer placing each one next to the appropriate Scripture verse.
    1. 1 Samuel 12:23
    2. Psalm 38:18
    3. Ephesians 5:20
    4. Hebrews 13:15
    5. James 1:5


  5. List one thing you can pray for in each area.
    1. adoration
    2. confession
    3. petition
    4. intercession
    5. thanksgiving


  6. Jesus gives the believer assurance of answered prayer. According to John 16:24 what is a prerequisite for answered prayer?


The Word

  1. Define the meaning of meditation in relationship to the Word of God.
  2. From Joshua 1:8 answer the following questions:
    1. What should be the source of your meditation?
    2. What relationship does meditation have with applying God’s Word to your life?
    3. What are the results of meditation?


  3. Meditate on Psalm 1. Write down your impressions and observations concerning this passage.
  4. According to Psalm 119:9-11, what benefit does memorizing the word have in your life?
  5. Define the meaning of memorization
  6. Explain what John 15:1-5 means to you.

The Bible miraculously foretells hundreds of events. In many cases prophecies preceded their fulfillment by hundreds, sometimes even thousands of years. Some are related to cities, others to nations, while other prophecies are related to individuals.

Jesus Christ is the subject of more than 300 Old Testament prophecies. These are referred to as Messianic Prophecies – those concerning the coming Messiah. Jesus’ birth and events of his life had been foretold by many different prophets over a span of 1,500 years. The fulfilling of these prophecies confirm that Jesus is the true Messiah, the Son of God and Savior of the world.

Memorize John 14:6

Lesson 4 Questions

Biblical Claims About Jesus

  1. Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Read Luke 1:30-33 and answer the following questions.
    1. What did the angel tell Mary?
    2. What was she to name the child?
    3. What exalted title would He have?
    4. What facts were brought out about His kingdom and rule?


  2. The prophecy in Isaiah 9:6 is about this coming child. What are the four exalted names given to Him in this verse?


  3. What do the following verses tell you about the humanity of Christ?
    1. Matthew 1:1-16
    2. Galatians 4:4
    3. Philippians 2:8


  4. What human characteristics about Jesus are brought out in the following Scriptures?
    1. Mark 4:38
    2. John 4:6
    3. John 11:35


  5. Compare the following Old Testament and New Testament passages. What specific event in Christ’s life does each one foretell and fulfill?Isaiah 7:14     Matthew 1:18-23 _____________________
    Micah 5:2     Luke 2:4-7 ____________________________
    Zechariah 11:12-13    Matthew 26:14-16 ______________
    Psalm 22    Matthew 27 ____________________________
    Psalm 16:9-10    Acts 2:31 __________________________
  6. What did Jesus claim about himself in the following verses?
    1. John 4:25-26
    2. Matthew 16:13-18
    3. Matthew 28:18
    4. John 14:6-9
  7. According to John 10:24-33
    1. Who did Jesus claim to be?
    2. What did the Jews around Him understand Him to mean?
    3. Why did this anger them?


  8. What did the following people of Jesus’ time say about who he was?
    1. John 10:33 (His enemies)
    2. John 11:27 (Martha)
    3. John 20:28 (Thomas) _____________________________________________
    4. In John 20:27 Jesus responds to Thomas’ doubt concerning his return from the dead. How does Jesus’ response apply to you?


  9. Read Matthew 16:13-20 and answer the following questions.
    1. What were some of the people of Jesus’ time saying about who he was?
    2. What was Peter’s response to Jesus’ question “who do you say I am?”
    3. How did Jesus reply to Peter’s confession about him? _____________________________________________


  10. Read Romans 1:4. What event spoken of in this verse declares Jesus Christ to be God? _____________________________________________


The Three Alternatives to the Claims of Jesus

3 Alternatives to the Claims of Jesus

From what we have studied thus far we know that Jesus claimed to be God. Many people who reject this fact state that Jesus was a good teacher, or a great prophet or a holy man. But if Jesus himself claimed to be God, then the diagram above leads us to one of three decisions about Jesus.

  • Suppose Jesus was not God. If He knew He was not God then it could be said that He intentionally attempted to deceive. According to the above illustration what could we conclude about Him?
  • Suppose Jesus was sincerely wrong. He believed in all of those claims about Himself even though they were not true. He was confused and deluded. What does the above illustration conclude about Him?
  • From what you have learned in this study thus far, what would your response be to someone who told you that Jesus was a:
    1. Liar _____________________________________________
    2. Lunatic______________________________________


  1. From the evidence given, who do you believe Jesus is and why?

Jesus is God incarnate or God in human form. Colossians 1:15-16 states that “He is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created…”. The Scriptures testify to the fact that Jesus eternally exists with the Father. He is God who became flesh so as to exemplify the true image of God before men and ultimately to die for men’s sins, be buried and rise again. The objective of this study is to show through Biblical evidence that Jesus Christ is God.

Memorize Colossians 1:15-16

Lesson 5 Questions

Biblical Evidence Concerning Jesus Christ

What were Jesus’ claims about himself in Mark 14:61-62?

Read Colossians 1:15-16 and answer the following questions.
Who is the image of the invisible God?
What was created by Him?

Read John 1:1-9. Answer the questions below.
What three facts are brought out about the “Word” in verse 1?
According to verses 1-3 who made all things?
What other terms are used to describe the Word in verses 4 and 5?
Who came as a witness to the light? (See also Mark 1).

According to John 1:14 what did the Word become?

Re-read John 1:1-2. This passage states that the word was:

What name does God give for himself in Exodus 3:14?

With reference to the verse above, what is significant about what Jesus says in John 8:58?

In the following verses, what characteristics of Jesus are attributes of an omnipotent God? (Omnipotent means “all-powerful.)
John 2:24
Matthew 8:26-27
John 11:43-45

What as the most significant sign of Christ’s deity according to 1 Corinthians 15:3-8?
The Work of Christ – (His Death)

What was the purpose of Christ’s death? (1 Peter 2:4)

How did Jesus’ death effect your relationship with God? (Colossians 1:21-22)

The Work of Christ – (His Resurrection)

What was the essence of Jesus’ prediction in John 2:19-21?

Read Luke 24:1-9. In your on words describe of what the women in this passage were reminded.

In 1 Corinthians 15:3-7, the Apostle Paul states that he considers certain truths as utmost in importance. What are they?

According to Paul, where are these truths recorded?

The Work of Christ – (His Return)

Matthew 24:30 and Acts 1:11 speak of Christ’s return. In your own words describe the way He will return.

What will happen to believers when He returns? (Philippians 3:20-21)

How does His imminent return motivate your present life? (1 John 3:1-3)

How does this study on the deity of Christ make you appreciate your relationship with him?

Webster’s dictionary gives the following definitions for the word Lord:

– One possessing great power and authority- Sovereign

– Ruler

– Master

The title of Lord is given to Jesus Christ throughout the Scriptures. God gave Him the name above all other names. Philippians 2:9-11 states, “Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…” (NIV).

God also placed everything under His authority. Jesus claims this in Matthew 28:18 when he says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (NIV)

This study on the Lordship of Christ is created to give you a clear understanding that Christ desires to be ruler and master over every area of your life, and that he has given you the ability to yield each area to him.

Memorize Luke 9:23

Lesson 6 Questions

Christ Exalted – Lord Over All

  1. Read Philippians 2:9-11 and answer the following questions.
    1. How has God exalted Jesus Christ?
    2. How will every person exalt Him?


  2. What do the following verses say about the Lordship of Christ?
    1. Matthew 28:18
    2. 1 Corinthians 8:6
    3. Ephesians 1:22


Living for Christ – The Role of the Holy Spirit

Yielding every area of our lives to Christ is not a condition for salvation. But we yield our lives and desire to serve the Lord because we are saved. You know from our past studies that man’s efforts to gain salvation will always fall short. It is also true that man cannot live his life for Christ in his own power. Jesus guarantees His Holy Spirit to all who believe in him. Thus it is the Holy Spirit who resides in us and empowers us to live for Christ.

  1. A true faith is evidenced by a life lived out for Christ. What does James 2:14-17 say about faith without works?
  2. The Holy Spirit enables the believer to live for Christ. Read John 14:16-17 and answer the following questions.
    1. What does Jesus promise in verse 16?
    2. According to this passage who lives in you?


  3. In your own words define the meaning of Zechariah 4:6.
  4. Match the following Scripture verses with the corresponding role of the Holy Spirit in your life?
    1. Teaches Truth
    2. Empowers for Service
    3. Convicts of Sin
    4. Removes Fear
    5. Creates Fruit of Godly Living
    6. Overcomes Sin
    7. Guides in Truth
    8. Aids in Prayer

    Romans 8:15 _________________
    Acts 1:8 _____________________
    John 14:26 ___________________
    Galatians 5:22 ________________
    John 16:13 ___________________
    Romans 8:9 ___________________
    John 16:7-8 ___________________
    Romans 8:26-27 ________________


    Living for Christ – Application to Life

    1. Answer the following questions using 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
      1. According to this verse why are you no longer your own?
      2. Who do you belong to and why?


    2. In your own words explain the meaning of Romans 12:1-2.

      What does it mean to you to be a “living sacrifice” ?


    3. According to the following verses where should your priorities lie?
      1. Matthew 6:19-21
      2. Matthew 6:33


    4. Read Mark 12:30. Take a few moments to evaluate your practice of the Lordship of Christ.


      From the illustration above indicate the condition of your priorities before and after you accepted Christ.
      Before Christ
      After Christ


  5. In John 14:15, what does Jesus say is the indication of your love for him?
  6. Jesus desires obedience to his Word. What do the following Scripture passages say about each of these life areas?
    1. Family and Marriage (Ephesians 5:22-25)
    2. Money (Exodus 23:19 and Matthew 6:24)
    3. Relationships (Philippians 2:3)
    4. Career (Colossians 3:23-24)
    5. Possessions (1 Corinthians 7:31)
    6. Time (Ephesians 5:15-17)
    7. Other


  7. Over which of the above areas would you like to see Jesus have more control? Explain.
    ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
  8. Read Luke 9:23-25.
    1. What three things are you called to do if you want to follow Christ”?
      __________ __________ __________
    2. What does this passage mean to you personally?


  9. What are the main things you have learned from this lesson about the Lordship of Christ”?
    ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Many people today when confronted with the Bible say that it is not the Word of God – it was written by men. John Wesley, an 18th century Christian leader, used the following analogy:

“The Bible could have only been written by: A) good men, B) bad men, or C) God. If good men wrote the Bible, and then claimed it was written by the inspiration of God, (2 Timothy 3:16), they would be liars, and liars are not good men. If bad men wrote the Bible, they would be condemning themselves because the Bible condemns sin, Bad men tend to justify their sin, but the Bible never justifies sin. Since neither good men nor bad men wrote the Bible, the only Person left is God.”

In the following lesson on God’s Word you will examine evidence of the authority of the Bible and its reliability for discerning the will of God in daily decision-making. According to the Scriptures themselves, the Word of God is true because it is truly the Word of God.

Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16

Lesson 7 Questions

Authorship of the Bible

  1. In your own words explain John Wesley’s analogy concerning the authorship of the Bible.
    ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
  2. What does 2 Timothy 3:16 state about the authorship of the Bible?
  3. From the above verse list the Bible’s four areas of usefulness and define each.
    1. ______________________________________________
    2. ______________________________________________
    3. ______________________________________________
    4. ______________________________________________


  4. How are the words in the following passages attributed to God?
    1. Exodus 4:10-12
    2. Isaiah 1:2
    3. 1 Corinthians 2:13
  5. According to 1 Thessalonians 2:13 how did the people receive and not receive the Scriptures?

Lesson on Prophecy Fulfilled

  1. The uniqueness of the Bible is evident by its accuracy in Old and New Testament prophecy and fulfillment. According to Deuteronomy 18:20-22, how can you be certain if a prophet’s message is from God?
  2. The incredible thing about prophecy is that it is the foretelling of a certain happening before it occurs. What prophecies were fulfilled in the following verses?

Old Testament – New Testament Event
Micah 5:2         Matthew 2:1 ______________________
Zechariah 9:9    Luke 19:35-37 _____________________
Psalm 22:16     Luke 23:33 ________________________

The Reliability of God’s Word

  1. What importance does God place on his Word according to Psalm 138:2?
  2. What does Jesus say about God’s Word in the following verse? John 17:17
  3. What do the following passages state about the reliability of the Scriptures?
    1. Joshua 23:14
    2. Psalm 33:4
    3. Proverbs 30:5-6


  4. In 2 Peter 1:16-21, Peter gives an eyewitness account as to what has been written. Answer the following questions concerning his testimony about this. (NOTE: Peter’s eyewitness account referred to here in 1 Peter is of the Transfiguration. Also read Matthew 17:1-13).
    1. What is Peter not following concerning this testimony? (v.16)
    2. What proof does he give that these words were not man’s clever invention? (v.16)
    3. What were they eyewitnesses to?
    4. What was made more certain because of this eyewitness account? (v.19)
    5. According to verses 20 and 21, where did the Scriptures come from?


The Power of God’s Word

  1. What is the Word God able to do according to the following passages?
    1. Romans 1:16-17
    2. Psalm 119:9-11
    3. John 15:5-7
    4. 2 Timothy 3:15-16


  2. What are the benefits of being obedient to God’s Word? (James 1:21-25).
  3. Read Psalm 119 and list your observations about the following. (List the Scripture verse next to each)
    1. The Psalmist’s attitude towards God’s Word
    2. Benefits of God’s Word.


From what you have learned in this study, list several reasons why you believe that the Bible is the Word of God.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

The Wheel Illustration

The Wheel Illustration

The key to living a victorious, Spirit-filled Christian life is Jesus Christ as the center and Lord of all we do. With Christ in control, life is balanced and effective. The wheel illustrates this Christ-centered life.

Just as the driving force in a wheel comes from the hub so the power to live the Christian life comes from Jesus Christ as the center. He lives in us in the person of the Holy Spirit, whose expressed purpose is to glorify Jesus Christ. The rim represents the Christian responding to Christ’s Lordship through whole-hearted day-by-day obedience to him.

The spokes show the means by which Christ’s power becomes operative in our lives. We maintain personal contact with God through the vertical spokes (Word and Prayer). The Word is our spiritual food as well as our sword for spiritual battle. It is the foundational spoke for effective Christian living.

Through the spoke of Prayer we have direct communication with our heavenly Father and receive provision for our needs. As we pray we show our dependence upon and trust in Him.

The horizontal spokes concern our relationship to people; our relationship to believers through Christian fellowship, and to unbelievers through witnessing. Fellowship centered around the Lord Jesus Christ provides the mutual encouragement, admonition and stimulation we all need.

The first three spokes prepare us for passing on to others all that we have received from the Lord. This is accomplished through Witnessing or sharing our own experience of Christ and declaring/explaining the Gospel.

If a wheel would attempt to roll down the road with one or more spokes missing it would be in for quite a rough and bumpy ride. But a wheel that has all four spokes securely attached to the hub will have a much smoother ride.

The Christian life is similar to the wheel in that we need to be active in all four areas of Christian living in order to grow and mature in our faith and to experience fruitfulness in character and in ministry in people’s lives. Our purpose is to know the Lord in a deep personal way and to bring glory to him through our lives here on earth.

Memorize Proverbs 3:5-6

Lesson 8 Questions

The Wheel Illustration

  1. What does it mean to keep Jesus at the center of your life?
  2. Explain the purpose of the vertical spokes in your life.
  3. What is the purpose of the horizontal spokes?
  4. Explain why each spoke is necessary in your life.
    1. God’s Word
    2. Prayer
    3. Fellowship
    4. Witnessing


Christ the Center

  1. Galatians 2:20 describes how closely knitted you are in Christ. In your own words explain the meaning of this verse.
  2. What should be your central focus in life? (Hebrews12:2)
  3. Read John 15:4-5 and answer the following questions.
    1. What does it mean to you to bear fruit?
    2. What is the relationship between Christ and our having a fruitful life?
    3. How can you remain in Christ?
    4. What can you do apart from Him?


  4. In your own words explain the meaning of Philippians 4:13.
  5. There are assurances for believers who have Christ at the center of their lives. Match the assurance with the appropriate verse.
    1. Victory Over Sin
    2. Answered Prayer
    3. Forgiveness of Sin
    4. Guidance in Life

    John 16:24 ________________________________
    1 Corinthians 10:13 _________________________
    Proverbs 3:5-6 _____________________________
    1John 1:9 _________________________________


Our Responsibility

  1. According to John 14:23 what does Jesus desire of us?
  2. Read through Matthew 6 and 7 and answer the following questions.
    1. Explain the meaning of storing treasures. (6:19-21)
    2. What should be our first and foremost pursuit in life? (6:33)


  3. Jesus presents a parable about a wise man contrasted to a foolish man. Read this parable found in Matthew 7:24-27 and answer the questions below.
    Wise Man …….. Foolish Man
    a) On what foundation was the house built?
    __________________      __________________
    b) What forces were both houses exposed?
    __________________      __________________
    c) What was the result?
    __________________      __________________
    d) Did this person hear God’s Word?
    __________________      __________________
    What was the difference between the wise man and the foolish man?
  4. From the following verses what indication do you have that your pursuit of the “Obedient Christian Life” should be one of diligence?
    1. Jeremiah 29:13
    2. Mark 12:30
    3. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Hindrances to Obedience

There are three areas of pitfalls for every believer in Christ.


  1. The Flesh – sinful nature or selfish natural desires.
  2. The World – refers to the world’s system, Philosophy, lifestyle, values and purposes which are in direct opposition to the ways of God.
  3. The Devil – an angel who rebelled against God before the creation of the world. He is destined to eternity in hell. Presently his purpose is to deceive and tempt those on earth, to blind unbelievers from their need for God and to distract believers so as to make them ineffective for God. God has limited his time and freedom and eventually will cast him to hell forever.


  1. List the deeds of the flesh found in Galatians 5:19-21.
  2. Concerning these deeds why do we experience battles within us at times? (Galatians 5:17)
  3. What attitude should we have toward the desire of the flesh? (Colossians 3:5)
  4. According to 2 Timothy 2:22 what are two steps you must take to guard against fleshly sins?
    1. _______________________________________________
    2. _______________________________________________


  5. From Romans 12:21 how can you overcome the desires of the flesh?
  6. Read 1 John 2:15-17.
    1. What three areas does the world system appeal to? (v.16)
    2. How does verse 17 affect your attitude and involvement concerning the world?
    3. What is the main point God is trying to get across in this passage? (v.l5)


  7. What does God think about the world’s way of thinking? (Luke 16:15)
  8. What is our defense against the influences of the world? (Philippians 4:8-9)
  9. What is a chief characteristic of the devil according to John 8:44?
  10. What is the devil’s plan of attack against believers? (2 Corinthians 1l:3)
  11. Read Matthew 4:1-11. What weapon did Jesus use against the devil.
  12. What will always overcome the devil’s attempts to deceive?
    1. Ephesians 6:16
    2. James 4:7
    3. 1 Peter 5:8-9

Believers in Christ have an exciting privilege of direct communication with God at any time, 24 hours a day. What an honor it is to have free access to the Great and Awesome God.

Our God is an intimate God who first drew us into a relationship through his Son, Jesus Christ. God is our Father and we are his children. And as a father loves his children and wants to spend time talking with them, so does our heavenly Father. He desires a close, personal communication with us.

Communication is essential for any growing relationship. Prayer is our means of communicating with Him.

Through this lesson you will see the overwhelming importance placed on prayer in the Scriptures. You will learn that it is not a duty but an awesome privilege, and should not be taken lightly.

“To pray is to enter the treasure-house of God and to enrich one’s self out of an inexhaustible storehouse. ” – C. H. ‘Spurgeon


Memorize John 16:24

Lesson 9 Questions

Open Communication with God

  1. As a believer you enjoy a personal relationship with the living Christ and have been given a special opportunity in him. What is it and why was it given to you? (Hebrews 4:16)
  2. According to the following verses why can we approach God’s throne with confidence
    1. Hebrews 4:14-15
    2. Hebrews 7:24-25
  3. According to the following Scriptures what should your attitudes be when coming before God in prayer?
    1. Psalm 46:10
    2. Psalm 63:1
    3. Psalm 95:2
    4. Psalm 100:4
    5. James 4:10


  4. How does God view our prayers?
    1. Proverbs 15:8
    2. Revelation 5:8


  5. Read Romans 8:26-27 and answer the following questions.
    1. Who aids you in your prayers?
    2. In your own words explain what this passage means to you.


  6. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and set these examples for all future believers. Read Matthew 6:9 and John 16:24 and answer the following questions.
    1. Who should you address in your prayers? (Matthew 6:9)
    2. In whose name should you pray? (John 16:24)

Conditions of Prayer

  1. The Scriptures command us to pray. Often after the command there is an assurance. What assurances do you find in the following verses?
    1. Psalm 91:15
    2. Matthew 7:7,11
    3. 1 John 1:9
    4. Matthew 18:19-20
  2. The most important question as to the practice of prayer is the condition of the believer’s heart. List the proper condition of the heart needed for answered prayer along with the hindrances you find to answered prayer.Condition of heart for answered prayer
    Hindrances to answered prayer
    Psalm 66:18 ____________________ ____________________
    James 4:2-3____________________ ____________________
    Mark 11:25 ____________________ ____________________
    Matthew 21:22 ____________________ ____________________
    Luke 18:1 ____________________ ____________________
  3. Often times people will pray thinking that what they are praying for is in God’s will, when actually their prayers consist of selfish wants and desires. According to the following Scriptures, how can you now if you are praying in the will of God?
    1. John 15:7
    2. 1 John 3:22
  4. According to these verses how important is knowing God’s Word in relationship to your prayers?

Who, What and How Often?

  1. How often should you pray?
    1. Mathew 26:41
    2. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

      What is the practical reality of this verse for your life?


  2. Is there any place not appropriate for you to pray?
    1. 1 Timothy 2:8
  3. What are some of the things for which God wants you to pray?
    1. Matthew 6:11
    2. Matthew 9:37-38
    3. Luke 6:28
    4. Ephesians 6:18
    5. Philippians 1:9
    6. 1 Timothy 2:1-2
    7. 1 Timothy 2:3-4
    8. James 5:13
      _______________________________________________Note: The prayer list as briefly mentioned in your lesson on The Quiet Time. A list can help you remember things you might otherwise forget to pray about. It can include:

FamilyMissionaries and Christian Workers

Non-Christian Friends

Country and Government Officials


Pastors and Church

People who Oppose you

Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Personal Needs

Benefits and Results of Prayer

  1. What does God, your Father, want to give you, his child? (Matthew 7:11)
  2. How is the above fact supported by Romans 8:28?
  3. What truth do you find in the following verses?
    1. Jeremiah 33:1-3
    2. Ephesians 3:20
  4. In Psalm 34:4 what was the result of David seeking the Lord?

    What was the end result upon David’s life?


  5. According to Philippians 4:6-7 what result will occur in your life as you earnestly seek the Lord in prayer?

Conclusion: Questions for Thought

  1. What did you learn from this study?
  2. What things would you like to change about your prayer life?
  3. What steps of action can you take to see these changes come about?

God has tremendously blessed his children by making his Word available. In it He has stored all the treasures of wisdom and understanding. Many have called it the “textbook for life.” Through the deposit of the Holy Spirit in every believer’s life, God has unlocked these treasures and has laid them at our disposal.

There is great power in the Word of God. The Bible itself states that “…it is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe…” (Romans 1:16). Through it the Christian has guidance, access to godly wisdom, freedom, empowerment for service and the ability to resist temptation.

In Ephesians 6:17 the Word of God is equated with a sword. A sword is to be used skillfully in battle as both an offensive and a defensive weapon. God has equipped you with such a weapon for your spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12.) The Holy Spirit enlightens us to the Word and uses it through us to accomplish the work of God. A Christian who refuses to devote himself to God’s Word stands directionless in life with only human wisdom to guide him. (1 Corinthians 1:2) He also stands defenseless against the evil influence of the world and against the attacks of Satan.

Memorize John 8:31-32

Lesson 10 Questions

Incentive to Get Into God’s Word

  1. What relationship does your attitude towards the Word have in your spiritual growth? (1 Peter 2:2)
  2. In your own words explain the meaning of John 8:31-32.
  3. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. It is devoted to instructing us about God’s Word. In the following verses list what God’s Word can do for your life.
    1. v.24 __________________________________________________
    2. v.28 __________________________________________________
    3. v.50 __________________________________________________
    4. v.62 __________________________________________________
    5. v.93 __________________________________________________
    6. v.98 __________________________________________________
    7. v.99 __________________________________________________
    8. v.130 __________________________________________________
    9. v.165 __________________________________________________

The Importance and Usefulness of God’s Word

  1. What is the importance of God’s Word to us?
    1. Matthew 4:4
    2. Job 23:12

      What does this verse indicate about the priority of
      God’s Word in our lives in relationship to what we
      can do without in order to make time for the Word?


  2. In the Christian life there are times when the busyness of life overwhelms us. Many times a believer’s response is to put God’s Word on the shelf and say “There is no time for it right now.” According to Jesus, what activity is more important to us than any other? (Luke 10:38-42)

    What has your response been to God’s Word in times of


  3. What can change our lives? (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
  4. The Word of God has a transforming effect in our lives. What does Romans 12:1-2 state are the results of this transforming power?
  5. In what ways can the Bible be useful in directing your life? (2 Timothy 3:16)

The Power of God’s Word

  1. How is God’s Word referred to in the passages below?
    1. 2 Samuel 22:31
    2. Jeremiah 23:29
    3. Philippians 2:16
    4. Hebrews 4:12


  2. What does Jesus call the Word of God in John 17:I7?

    Write down your own definition for this word – truth. __________________________________________________


  3. What powerful effect does truth have in your life?
    1. Psalm 25:5
    2. Psalm 40:11
    3. Psalm 119:105
    4. John 5:24
    5. John 8:32


  4. How is the word power (might) equated with God’s Word in the following passages?
    1. Psalm 29:4-5
    2. Luke 24:19
    3. 2 Corinthians 6:7
    4. Hebrews 1:3
      __________________________________________________For the believer, it is very important to understand the power associated with God’s Word. For our battle is not against other men but is against the spiritual forces of evil in this world and the attacks of Satan upon us. Satan’s goal for believers is to make them ineffective for Christ. A Christian who has a negligent attitude towards God’s Word will become exactly that.


  5. Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and answer the following questions.
    1. What is our struggle against? (v.12)
    2. According to verses 10-11 can we stand on our on strength?
    3. What will help you stand firm? (v.14)
    4. What is God’s Word referred to in verse l7?
    5. Explain in your own words what this passage means to you?


  6. How did Jesus use the Word in Matthew 4:1-11 and what was the result?
  7. According to Psalm 119:9-11 how can you use God’s Word to stand firm against the devil’s schemes?

Obedience – Action to Take

  1. Why does God want us to obey all his commands? (Deuteronomy 6:24)
  2. What should be your goal when you read the Bible (James 1:22)
  3. What three ways should you approach the Word of God? (Ezra 7:10)
    1. __________________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________________
    3. __________________________________________________


  4. There are five methods of scripture intake to help you get a firm grasp of God’s Word. From the Scriptures below list each method next to the appropriate passage.a) Psalm 1:2-3 ____________________
    b) Psalm 119:9-11____________________
    c) Acts 17:11____________________
    d) Romans 10:17____________________
    e) Revelation 1:3____________________
  5. Reflect on Colossians 3:16. From this verse and the information learned through this lesson, how can you better allow Christ’s Word to dwell in you richly?

“They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as they had need. Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple court. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42-47, NIV)

Memorize Hebrews 10:24-25

Lesson 11 Questions

Biblical Fellowship

  1. The word fellowship is derived from the Greek word koinonia which means “sharing in common.” The fellowship of believers in Acts 2:42-47 exemplifies the true essence of Biblical fellowship. Read this passage and answer the following questions.
    1. To what were they devoted? (v.42)
    2. What did they have in common? (v.44)
    3. How did they address the needs of the people in the fellowship? (v.45)
    4. How committed were they to this fellowship? (v. 46a)
    5. What evidence is shown here about their level of hospitality? (v.46b)
  2. Jesus told his disciples that the world would know that they were his followers by their love for one another. What evidence does Acts 2:42-47 give to prove Jesus’ statement? (v.47)
  3. This first fellowship of believers found in Acts had a deep level of commitment to each other. They shared everything even to the point of selling their possessions for those in need. From the following verses, determine what you can share with others and one practical way to do so……………………..What to Share …………….A Way to Share it
    a) 1 John 4:11, 21__________________ ____________________
    b) Galatians 6:2 __________________ ____________________
    c) Galatians 6:6__________________ ____________________
    d) James 5:16 ____________________ ____________________
  4. Read Romans 12:9-13. List as many characteristics of true Biblical fellowship as you can find in this passage.

The Purpose of Fellowship

  1. According to the following verses, why is fellowship important?
    1. Proverbs 27:17
    2. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
    3. Philippians 3:17


  2. From the following verses, list the purpose of meeting together as believers:
    1. John 13:34-35
    2. Hebrews 10:24-5
    3. Hebrews 3:13
      According to this verse what could be the result of you separating yourself from the fellowship of believers? (Hebrews 3:13)


  3. We know that no man can be an island. Christians can choose to have their closest relationships with either believers or unbelievers. What do the following verses say about believers associating closely with unbelievers?
    1. Proverbs 13:20
    2. 1 Corinthians 15:33
    3. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
    4. 1 Peter 4:3-5
  4. According to 1 Corinthians 9:19, what should be your desire in having close relationships with unbelievers?

The Church – The Body of Christ

In 1 Corinthians 12 the Church is compared to a human body. In essence they function similarly, in that each member has a specific function. Your eye is for sight, ear for hearing, foot for standing and walking. Each part is important and needed for you to operate efficiently and effectively. It is the same with the body of Christ. Each person has a different function and is needed to effectively accomplish the work of Christ on earth. When one member hurts the entire body suffers.

  1. According to Colossians 1:18 who is the head of the body and why?
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-27 and answer the following questions:
    1. Who gave the members their various functions? (v.18)
    2. What is Christ’s desire for his body? (v.25)
    3. Are there any unnecessary members in the body? (v.22-23)


  3. What will preserve unity in the body?
    1. Ephesians 4:2
    2. Colossians 3:12-14


  4. From what you have learned in this lesson, explain why fellowship should be important to you.
  5. What benefits have you received from being part of a fellowship?

The Bible gives us as believers the title of ambassadors for Christ. Webster’s dictionary gives the following definitions for an ambassador:

  1. the highest – ranking representative appointed by one government to represent another.
  2. one who is sent on a special diplomatic mission.
  3. an official messenger or agent with a special mission.

As ambassadors for Christ we are his special representatives here on earth, given the responsibility of spreading his gospel message of salvation throughout the world.

D.L. Moody states, “There is no greater honor than to be an instrument in God’s hands of leading one person out of the kingdom of Satan into the glorious light of Heaven.” From the following lesson you will learn what the Bible says about your responsibility of evangelism and some practical ways to become more effective!

Memorize Matthew 28:19-20

Lesson 12 Questions

Our Responsibility

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5:20. In this verse we are called ambassadors for Christ. Explain in your on words what it means to you to be an ambassador for Christ.
  2. What is Jesus’ command to us in Mark 16:15?
  3. Jesus prays for all believers in John 17:20-23. Write in your own words the meaning of His prayer for us.
  4. After Jesus rose from the dead, he met again with his disciples and gave them some instructions before he ascended into heaven. According to the following verses what were His instructions to them.
    1. Matthew 28:19-20
    2. Acts 1:8

      How do these verses apply to you?
      __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


  5. Why is it important to share about Jesus Christ with those who do not believe?
    1. John 14:6
    2. Acts 4:12


  6. According to John 4:34-35 how ready are people to hear the gospel and be saved?
  7. In light of Jesus’ command for all believers to witness for him, how should you approach daily events, circumstances and the people you meet?
    1. Ephesians 5:15-17
    2. Colossians 4:5-6


  8. Our responsibility is to share the message of salvation with those who do not believe. According to Romans 1:16, what is the power in that message that leads a person to salvation?


Becoming an Effective Witness

Witnessing is not merely an activity it is a way of life. As we have learned thus far all believers are given this responsibility or privilege to represent Christ by carrying his gospel message to an unsaved world. Following are some practical ways to become more effective in your witness.

  1. In John 13:24-35 what emphasis does love play in witnessing for Christ?__________________________________________________
    How does this apply to your relationships within the church?


    How would this effect visitors coming to the church?


  2. Choose 3 qualities of love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 that you feel would make you a more effective witness for Christ.
  3. Read Matthew 5:14-16 and answer the following questions.
    1. What does it mean to you to be a shining light to the world?
    2. What can be the result of allowing your light to shine? (v.16)
  4. Do you think people notice your life and consider it a positive witness for Jesus? why or why not?
  5. In what areas would you like to improve your witness (home, work, friends, etc.)? Explain your answers.
  6. You will often deal with objections from unbelievers. To become an effective witness you will have to learn how to use Scripture to answer those objections. Following is a list of common objections. Match the appropriate Scripture verse with the objection they answer.

Proverbs 14:12
Romans 1:19-20
1 Timothy 2:5-6
Mark 2:17
2 Corinthians 2:8-9
James 2:10
Mark 8:36-37
Ephesians 2:8-9
2 Peter 1:16
Romans l:18
What about those who have never heard of Christ? _________________________________________
If a person is doing the best he can God will accept him. Sincerity is what counts.
Surely there is more than one way.  I think all religions lead to heaven.

  1. What reversed the direction of Paul’s life? (v.-12-15)
  2. How did Paul explain the gospel to King Agrippa? (v.23)
  3. What did Paul ask Agrippa? Why is this important? (v.27)

Sharing how you became a Christian can be one of the best ways of witnessing to relatives and close friends. In sharing your story remember the following:

– Make it personal – don’t preach.

– Make it short, Four to six minutes should be enough time to cover the essential facts.

– Keep Christ as the emphasis of your story. Don’t spend too much time elaborating in depth on how your life used to be.

– Always be sure to highlight what Jesus has done for you.

– Use a couple of key Scripture verses that have been meaningful to you and that relate to your story.

– Avoid using any Christian jargon or clichés that an unbeliever would not understand.

Take some time now to work on your own personal testimony.

  1. Before I trusted Christ. __________________________________________________
  2. How I trusted Christ. __________________________________________________
  3. Since I’ve trusted Christ. __________________________________________________


Every believer should be knowledgeable and able to present the gospel message. Through this study, you have learned two ways to present the gospel: a) The Gospel Presentation and b) Your Personal Testimony (your personal experience with Christ).

  1. Review each one and be prepared to present the gospel.
  2. Write several names of people who you believe the Lord is leading you to witness to.

Begin to regularly pray for an opportunity to witness to them. Also pray diligently for their salvation. Remember that you cannot save these people. Your only responsibility is to tell them about Jesus and to be the type of life example to them that brings glory to your Lord and Savior. As you faithfully plant the seeds trust God to do the rest.

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