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Join The Battle

Join The Battle

In the message “We Will Overcome” we were encouraged to hold on to Jesus when our strength fades and we become weary. We saw that our faith, not our strength, ensures we will overcome and receive the gift of eternal life. We can take great comfort in knowing Jesus will carry us and not let […]

Unete a La Batalla

Unete a La Batalla

En el mensaje “Venceremos” fuimos animados a tomarnos de la mano de Jesús cuando nuestras fuerzas se desvanecen y estemos cansados. Vimos que nuestra continua fe (no nuestra fuerza) nos asegura que dominaremos y recibiremos el regalo de la vida eterna. Podemos tener un gran consuelo sabiendo que Jesús nos lleva y que no nos […]

Nothing But Praise

Nothing But Praise

I hope you don’t mind if I take today’s message to simply say “Thank You!” and “Praise God!!” It was a long day, but Kaylee’s surgery went well. The germ cell cancer had grown into a thirteen centimeter tumor which consumed one ovary. The tumor had ruptured sometime in the last few days causing a […]

We Will Overcome

We Will Overcome

God’s Word contains many passages which encourage us in our struggles. Paul tells us to “press on toward the goal” (Philippians 3:14), “run a good race” (Galatians 5:7), and “fight the good fight” (2 Timothy 4:7). Each of these acknowledge the struggle and exhort us to keep moving forward. But there are times we become […]



La Palabra de Dios contiene muchos versículos que nos motivan en nuestras pruebas. Pablo nos motiva a seguir “avanzando hacia la meta” (Filipenses 3:14), que “Ustedes estaban corriendo bien” (Gálatas 5:7), y que peleamos “la buena batalla” (2 Timoteo 4:7). Cada uno de estos versículos reconoce la prueba y nos exhorta a seguir moviéndonos hacia […]

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

Sometimes when I think about what is happening with my daughter I can barely breathe. I seem to have a constant pit in my stomach. I went for a long run on Friday and the pit went away for a while, but yesterday it returned; so I went running again. And today is another day. […]