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These Are God's Battles

These Are God’s Battles

During the time of King Jehoshaphat (approximately 860 B.C.), several armies began to invade the land of Judah. Being greatly outnumbered, Jehoshaphat called for a nation-wide time of fasting and prayer to seek guidance from God: “O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that […]

Estas Son Batallas de Dios

Estas Son Batallas de Dios

Durante el período del Rey Josafat (aproximadamente 860 AC), varios ejércitos comenzaron a invadir la tierra de Judá. Siendo los invasores muchos más, Josafat llamó a la nación a un tiempo de ayuno y oración para buscar la guía de Dios: “Oh Dios nuestro! ¿No los juzgarás tú? Porque en nosotros no hay fuerza contra […]

Never Lose Hope

Never Lose Hope

In the message “Stand Firm in The Gap” we were encouraged to continue in prayer and minister to the needs of others, to stand in the gap for those who need protection against enemy attacks, and to stand as long as necessary. This requires perseverance and complete trust in God. It can be difficult when […]

Nunca Perdamos La Esperanza

Nunca Perdamos La Esperanza

En el mensaje “Parémonos Firmes en la Brecha” fuimos animados a continuar en oración y ministrar las necesidades de los otros; a estar firmes en la brecha por aquellos que necesitan protección contra los ataques del enemigo. Vimos nuestra responsabilidad de no perder la esperanza sino mantenernos firmes mientras sea necesario. Esto requiere perseverancia y […]

Stand Firm in The Gap

Stand Firm in The Gap

In the final years of the southern kingdom of Israel, God warned that He was going to use the king of Babylon to discipline the people unless they returned to Him with a heart of worship. But the people failed to repent and the invasion of Jerusalem began. Ezekiel was a prophet to those taken […]

Parémonos Firmes en La Brecha

Parémonos Firmes en La Brecha

En los años finales del reinado del sur de Israel, Dios advirtió que El usaría al rey de Babilonia para disciplinar a la gente a menos que regresaran a El con un corazón de adoración. La gente no se arrepintió y la invasión a Jerusalén comenzó. Ezequiel fue un profeta para aquellos tomados cautivos durante […]

Put It Into Practice

Put It Into Practice

Paul’s letter to the Philippians is one hundred and four verses filled with encouragement and joy. Paul didn’t write this letter to explain deep theology or to deal with any particular sin. Rather, his purpose was to express love for his friends and to encourage them (and us) to live a joy-filled Christian life. In […]

Pongámoslo en Práctica

Pongámoslo en Práctica

La carta de Pablo a los Filipenses son ciento cuatro versos llenos de ánimo y gozo. Pablo no escribió esta carta para explicar teología profunda o tratar con un pecado en particular. En lugar de eso, su propósito era expresar amor por sus amigos y animarlos a ellos (y a nosotros) a vivir una vida […]

Follower or Fool

Follower or Fool

In the message “Arise And Walk” we were reminded that as God answers our prayers He does so in a manner which is “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). He answers according to our true need driven by His divine good. This is a difficult concept but God’s view of this […]

Arise And Walk

Arise And Walk

To grow as a Christian means to become closer and develop a more intimate relationship with God. This relationship begins when we are born into His family – when we ask Him to forgive our sins through faith in Jesus and begin what is intended to be an eternal communion of love. He desires for […]

Levántate y Anda

Levántate y Anda

Crecer como Cristiano significa acercarnos más y desarrollar una relación más íntima con Dios. Esta relación comienza cuando nacemos en Su familia – cuando pedimos el perdón de los pecados a través de la fe en Jesús y comenzamos lo que tiene la intención de ser una eterna comunión de amor. El desea que confiemos […]

Return to Give Thanks

Return to Give Thanks

One day when Jesus was traveling from Galilee to Jerusalem, ten men with leprosy approached Him and called out; “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” (Luke 17:13). Jesus didn’t immediately heal the lepers. Instead, He gave them a simple instruction; “Go, show yourselves to the priests” (Luke 17:14). A leper would only present himself to […]