Kenya Field Trip – Thank You Mr. Frick

Field Trip Mr Frick

A few weeks ago I wrote about a field trip for the children at our two schools in Kenya. I asked if someone would like to sponsor these trips. Several people wrote and expressed a desire to sponsor a trip but Mike Frick was first, so thank you Mr. Frick!

The kids from both schools had a great time. This was a wonderful opportunity to experience life outside of their immediate environment and routine. In addition, I believe the children, as well as the teachers, felt quite special for the day.

Field Trip3

Thanks to everyone for your on-going support and encouragement. The Kenyan portion of this ministry continues to grow and I often wonder how we are going to have enough funds, but many of you write checks or make on line donations each month so there always seems to be just enough. We will be doing a special food program for the parents the week before Christmas but I will send out more information as we get a little closer.

Thanks so much for your continuing support!

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God’s Daily Word Ministries


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