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Step of Faith

Step of Faith

Today was a busy day! Early this morning we heard that King Herod killed John the Baptist. Jesus seemed to take this news pretty hard; “When Jesus heard what had happened, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place” (Matthew 14:13). I knew He wanted to be alone, but the crowds kept following Him. […]

Paso de Fe

Paso de Fe

Ahora fue un día ocupado! Temprano esta mañana nos dimos cuenta que el Rey Herodes había dado muerte a Juan el Bautista; “Cuando Jesús recibió la noticia, se retiró él solo en una barca a un lugar solitario” (Mateo 14:13). Yo sabía que El quería estar solo, pero la multitud no paraba de seguirle. Pronto […]

What It Means To Forgive

What It Means To Forgive

In the message “Forgive As He Forgave” we saw that our forgiveness of others should be based on recognizing the magnitude of forgiveness we have been given through faith in Jesus. A true understanding of God’s mercy toward us ought to compel us to be merciful to others. But still, forgiveness remains difficult and somewhat […]

Lo Que Significa Perdonar

Lo Que Significa Perdonar

En el mensaje “Perdonar Como El Perdonó” vimos que nuestro perdón para otros debería estar basado en reconocer la magnitud de perdón que se nos ha dado a través de la fe en Jesús. Un verdadero entendimiento de la misericordia de Dios hacia nosotros, nos obliga a ser misericordiosos con los demás. Pero aún, el […]

Dance of Thanksgiving

Dance of Thanksgiving

[Note: I sent this message out on Thanksgiving, 2013. Today, as I consider my family 4 years later, I’m reminded that I have so much to be thankful for!] Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. I know this isn’t a global holiday, but perhaps you will forgive me if I use this day to […]

Forgive As He Forgave

Forgive As He Forgave

It seems like sooner or later everyone gets mistreated and hurt. Many times the actions against us are unintentional, but other times they can be extremely malicious. Suddenly, this hurt begins to invade every other area of our life. We carry a heavy burden which we know we don’t deserve – and which we certainly […]

Perdonemos Como El Perdonó

Perdonemos Como El Perdonó

Parece que tarde o temprano todos somos maltratados y heridos. En muchas ocasiones las acciones en contra nuestra no son intencionales, pero en otras ocasiones pueden ser extremadamente maliciosas. Repentinamente este daño comienza a invadir cada area de nuestra vida. Llevamos una carga pesada que estamos concientes que no deseamos – y que ciertamente no […]

Kenya School Update

Kenya School Update

Last month I sent out an update and presented several needs for our school in Kenya. This message can be seen at: Thank you so much for your encouragement and support! You have provided almost all the funds to complete the roof and all of the funds for the kids field trips. This is […]

Build All For His Glory

Build All For His Glory

The last two messages have considered how we ought to use a different set of priorities in forming our goals and plans. Our goal should be to fully submit to our Heavenly Father, and our plans must always remain under His control. We also saw that a life submitted to God is full of opportunity […]

Construyamos Todo para Su Gloria

Construyamos Todo para Su Gloria

Los últimos dos mensajes han considerado cómo debemos utilizar un juego de prioridades diferentes para formar nuestras metas y planes. Nuestra meta debe ser someternos completamente a nuestro Padre Celestial, y nuestros planes deben siempre permanecer bajo Su control. También vimos que una vida sometida a Dios está llena de oportunidad y entusiasmo. Pero tal […]

Great Expectations

Great Expectations

In the message “Careful Thought To Our Ways” we saw how God is the Director of our steps and how we must carefully (and prayerfully) develop goals and plans which glorify His name. And though our true goal should always be to fully release our life to God and worship Him for all eternity, each […]

Grandes Expectativas

Grandes Expectativas

En el mensaje “Cuidadoso Pensamiento a Nuestros Caminos” vimos como Dios es el Director de nuestros pasos y como cuidadosamente debemos (y en oración) desarrollar metas y planes que glorifican Su nombre. Y a pesar que nuestra verdadera meta debería ser que soltemos completamente nuestra vida a Dios y adorarle por toda la eternidad, cada […]