Son Of Encouragement
In the message “The Example of Barnabas” we saw how Barnabas played an essential role in Paul’s ministry. He boldly introduced Paul to the apostles in Jerusalem (Acts 9:27), and then searched for Paul when he fled Jerusalem to his home town of Tarsus (Acts 11:25-26). After taking Paul to Antioch, Barnabas remained with him […]

Hijo Motivador
En el mensaje “El Ejemplo de Bernabé” vimos como Bernabé jugó un papel esencial en el ministerio de Pablo. El decididamente presentó a pablo a los apóstoles en Jerusalén (Hechos 9:27) y luego buscó a Pablo cuando el escapó de Jerusalén hacia su casa en Tarso (Hechos 11:25-26). Después de llevar a Pablo a Antioquia, […]

The Example of Barnabas
Prior to meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus, Saul (who would later be known as the Apostle Paul) was one of the greatest enemies of Christians: “Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison” (Acts 8:3). But Saul’s conversion to […]

El Ejemplo de Bernabé
Antes de encontrarse a Jesús en el camino a Damasco, Saulo (quien más tarde sería conocido como el Apóstol Pablo) fue uno de los grandes enemigos de los Cristianos: “Y Saulo asolaba la iglesia, y entrando casa por casa, arrastraba a hombres y a mujeres, y los entregaba en la cárcel” (Hechos 8:3). Pero la […]

Nothing Too Hard
Jeremiah had been a prophet for nearly forty years by the time Jerusalem came under attack by the Babylonians. He had long been proclaiming a message of repentance, but the people continued to ignore his words. Now, the enemy had surrounded Jerusalem and the end was near. In this time of great turmoil, God told […]

Nada Muy Difícil
Jeremías había sido profeta por casi cuarenta años cuando Jerusalén fue atacada por los Babilonios. Por mucho tiempo el había estado proclamando un mensaje de arrepentimiento, pero la gente continuaba ignorando su suplica. Ahora el enemigo había rodeado Jerusalén y el fin estaba cerca. En este tiempo de gran agitación, Dios le dijo a Jeremías […]

Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding
Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians to show that Jesus is sufficient to supply every need of the believer. In the opening verses, Paul wrote that the Colossians had a reputation for great faith in Jesus Christ – their love, hope, and hunger for the Gospel was bearing fruit and had been growing “since […]

Sabiduría e Inteligencia Espiritual
Pablo escribió su carta a los Colosenses para mostrar que Jesús es suficiente para suplir cada necesidad de los creyentes. En los versículos iniciales, Pablo escribió que los Colosenses tenían una reputación de gran fe en Jesucristo – su amor, esperanza, y hambre por el Evangelio estaba produciendo frutos y había estado creciendo “desde el […]

The Good Deeds of Faith
In the last several messages we have considered the grace of God in relation to our Christian walk and also as the foundation for how we interact with others. However, the area which probably causes the most contention is the role of grace in Salvation. Unfortunately, this debate is largely due to various sides not […]

Grace In Others
In the last two messages, we have considered the grace of God in our Salvation as well as in our daily Christian walk. Anytime we add requirements to genuine faith, we have strayed from the true gospel message. We certainly need to be challenged as to what faith really means and how a saving faith […]

La Gracia en los Demás
En los últimos dos mensajes, consideramos la gracia de Dios en nuestra Salvación así como en nuestro diario caminar Cristiano. Siempre que ponemos requerimientos a la fe, nos desviamos del verdadero mensaje del evangelio. Ciertamente necesitamos ser desafiados en cuanto a lo que la fe realmente significa y como una fe salvadora será manifestada por […]

His Amazing Grace
In the message “Strong In His Grace” we considered God’s grace in the process of Salvation and saw we can do nothing to earn a right standing in His eyes. Our Heavenly Father freely gave and poured out His love when He sent Jesus; “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While […]