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Knowing Christ

Knowing Christ

The Apostle Paul had a definite passion to serve God. Even before his conversion on the road to Damascus, Paul strictly observed God’s law; “as for legalistic righteousness, faultless” (Philippians 3:6). But after being confronted by Jesus, his focus forever changed; his passion remained, but his every desire now centered around faith in Jesus and […]

Conocer a Cristo

Conocer a Cristo

El Apóstol Pablo tenía una pasión definitiva por servir a Dios. Aún antes de su conversión en el camino a damasco, Pablo observaba estrictamente las leyes de Dios; “en cuanto a la justicia que es en la ley, irreprensible” (Filipenses 3:6). Pero después de ser confrontado por Jesús, su enfoque cambió para siempre; su pasión […]

God's Thermal of Encouragement

God’s Thermal of Encouragement

Many of us have experienced that low spiritual valley where we thought the sun would never shine again. Some were sent quickly into the valley by a very specific event. Others drifted slowly to the bottom and can’t say by what path they arrived. In either case, we wandered in this gloom until something began […]

Termal de Animo de Dios

Termal de Animo de Dios

Muchos de nosotros hemos experimentado ese valle Espiritual en donde pensamos que el sol nunca brillará de nuevo. Algunos fueron enviados rápidamente a ese valle por un evento específico; otros paulatinamente se fueron a la deriva hasta llegar al fondo y no pueden decir como llegaron allí. En cualquier caso, vagábamos en tinieblas hasta que […]

Ministry Updates

Ministry Updates

During the month of December I will be sending out several messages which will highlight what you, through your prayers and financial support of this ministry, have been doing in 2013. God’s Daily Word Ministries is focused in two main areas of ministry. One area is internet based through email and web site devotions as […]