Consume The Word
In the message “When We Hear His Voice” we saw that despite many calls and pleas from Jeremiah, the people of Israel failed to repent of their sin and turn toward God. After many years of rejection, God finally turned them over to their own evil desires; “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand […]

Consumir La Palabra
En el mensaje “Cuando Escuchamos Su Voz” vimos que a pesar de muchos llamados y suplicas de Jeremías, el pueblo de Israel nunca se arrepintieron ni volvieron a Dios. Después de muchos años de rechazo, Dios finalmente les entregó a sus propios deseos malos; “Aunque Moisés y Samuel se presentaran ante mí, no tendría compasión […]

When We Hear His Voice
In the message “No Shortcuts” we saw the importance of remaining on God’s path by obediently following His leading. There will always be temptations to take other paths to “get ahead,” but God’s ways are flawless and He calls us to follow Him with every step. Jeremiah was appointed God’s spokesman to call the people […]

Cuando Escuchamos Su Voz
En el mensaje “No Hay Atajos” vimos la importancia de mantenernos obedientemente en el camino de Dios siguiendo Su liderazgo. Siempre habrá tentaciones para tomar caminos que aparentan llevarnos “adelante” – pero los caminos de Dios son impecables y El nos llama a seguirlo en cada paso. Jeremías fue designado como el vocero de Dios […]

Kenya School Update – Oct 2014
It has been several months since my last update message but it has been an exciting time for our projects in Kenya. For the last several years we have been running two preschools in Kenya with a combined enrollment of about 150 children. One of the schools is in the area of Mathare, outside of […]

No Shortcuts
In the message “Look Back From Eternity” we saw how one day, when we stand with our Heavenly Father, we will see the awesome purpose in the path we have traveled. If we continue to trust and follow His leading, we will see how each twist and turn in His path was designed to navigate […]

No Hay Atajos
En el mensaje “Ver Atrás Desde La Eternidad” vimos como un día, cuando estemos frente a nuestro Padre Celestial, veremos el extraordinario propósito en el camino que hemos recorrido. Si continuamos confiando y siguiendo el liderazgo de Dios, veremos como cada vuelta y curva en Su camino estaba diseñada para navegarnos a través de la […]

Look Back From Eternity
Ruth lived in the land of Moab just east of Canaan. She was not an Israelite but she married one of the sons of Naomi who had recently moved to Moab from Judah because of a famine. After ten years, Ruth’s husband died. Naomi was going to return to her homeland and thought Ruth should […]

Ver Atrás Desde La Eternidad
Rut vivió en la tierra de Moab al este de Canaán. Ella no era Israelita pero se casó con uno de los hijos de Noemí quien recientemente se había trasladado a Moab desde Judá a causa de una hambruna. Después de diez años el esposo de Rut murió. Noemí iba a regresar a su tierra […]