Remember The Basics
As we continue down God’s path of sanctification, “being transformed into His likeness” (2 Corinthians 3:18), moving from milk to solid food (Hebrews 5:12), and growing in grace and “all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Colossians 1:9), it’s wise to return often to the basics of our faith. As we learn more of our Heavenly Father […]

All His Energy
When the Apostle Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, his life was forever changed. Prior to meeting Jesus, Paul was “breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples” (Acts 9:1). After the encounter with Jesus, and being filled with the Holy Spirit, Paul “began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the […]

Our Unconditional Love
When we become a Child of God, through faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of sin, He loves us in spite of our failures – in spite of the way we stumble and sometimes fall. But what type of love do we give in return? Do we have a continual love which remains through good […]

Walk Humbly
Seven hundred years before Jesus walked the earth, the prophet Micah wrote words given to him by God, words that tell what God expects from His Children. Micah 6:8 “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to […]

All For His Glory
A few years ago I visited a planetarium and remember coming away with a renewed wonder of God’s creation. I saw many pictures taken from large telescopes and even many taken from space. The stars are fascinating! I’ve often looked into the night sky and wondered about God’s promise to Abraham: “‘Look up at the […]

An Unsearchable Love
As I look back through the Scriptural account of history, I can see how God sent His Son to be born in a manger, grow and live among us, and die for our sins upon a cross. I can clearly see how the sacrifice of Jesus allows us, through faith, to enter into God’s presence […]

Two Become One Flesh
In the message “Stay Off The Roof” we saw how seemingly innocent beginnings can have disastrous results when we entertain even the slightest area of temptation. This becomes even more critical in marriage when the result of temptation can cause great pain to the one who has been given to us as a gift from […]

Stay Off The Roof
King David gave in to temptation with Bathsheba and then tried to cover up his sin with lies and murder. How could someone described by God as, “A man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22), make such a bad error in judgment? Sin is rarely the result of a single poor choice. Most often, the […]

Never Trade The Blessing
When Isaac was sixty years old, his wife Rebecca gave birth to twin sons. Esau was born first, followed immediately by Jacob; “with his hand grasping Esau’s heal” (Genesis 25:26). Esau grew to be a skillful hunter while Jacob stayed more around the tents with his mother. In the days of Esau and Jacob, the […]

His Consuming Fire
Ice will turn to water at a temperature just above zero degrees centigrade. We might consider the water to be consumed as it turns to steam at one hundred degrees centigrade. Wood must be heated to a much higher temperature before it is consumed, and metal must be heated even more. I wonder how much […]

The Living Word
In the message “God’s Plumb Line” we were encouraged to build our lives upon the absolute and unwavering standard of God’s Word. His Word is truth and holds the answer to every problem we will ever confront. If we search for answers and prayerfully reflect on the truth of God’s Word – if we indeed […]