Run According To His Plan
In baseball, the team with the most points at the end of the game wins. But if we attempt to apply the plan of baseball to the game of golf, we will lose every time. Golf is played with different rules and requires a different strategy. Needless to say, it’s critical to understand the rules […]

Correr Dentro de Su Plan
En baloncesto, el equipo con más puntos al final del juego gana. Pero si tratamos de aplicar las reglas del baloncesto al golf, perderíamos todo el tiempo. El golf se juega con diferentes reglas y requiere una estrategia diferente. No necesito decirles que es crítico comprender las reglas y valores del juego en el que […]

In ALL Circumstances
Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, a day we set aside to gather together and express our thankfulness. This is not a global holiday, but each year I invite the world to join us in giving thanks. But the reality is that this has been, and continues to be, a difficult year. Many around […]

An Unblemished Sacrifice
During the days of Moses, God established specific laws for sacrifices. He called for animal sacrifices to teach His people the seriousness of sin and to prepare the way for Jesus. God taught that when a sacrifice was offered, it was to be pure and without blemish: “If the offering is a burnt offering from […]

Un Sacrificio Sin Mancha
Durante los días de Moisés, Dios estableció leyes especificas para los sacrificios. Dios pidió sacrificios de animales para enseñar a la gente la seriedad del pecado y para preparar el camino de Jesús. Dios enseñó que cuando un sacrificio era ofrecido, debía ser puro y sin mancha: “Si su ofrenda fuere holocausto vacuno, macho sin […]

Our Privileged Responsibility
God has always set aside a select group to carry forth His Word and to help guide His people. In the Old Testament times God designated the descendants of Levi to be priests. The priests were to perform the various sacrifices, give instruction regarding God’s Law, and be the general interface between God and man. […]

Nuestra Privilegiada Responsabilidad
Dios siempre ha tenido aparte a un grupo selecto para llevar Su Palabra y para ayudar a guiar a Su gente. En los tiempos del antiguo testamento Dios designó a los descendientes de Leví para ser sacerdotes. Los sacerdotes debían hacer diferentes sacrificios, dar instrucciones acerca de la Ley de Dios, y ser intermediario entre […]

Stop Sowing The Wind
In the message “Reaping The Whirlwind” we were encouraged not to sow the wind of unbelief, because a life without faith and the saving grace of Jesus will one day reap an eternal whirlwind. The message of sowing and reaping has critical application for the eternal destiny of many around the world. We must guard […]

Reaping The Whirlwind
The spiritual decline of God’s chosen people, as detailed in the Old Testament, includes some of the saddest passages in the Bible. God dearly loved the children of Israel, but they continually rejected Him and turned away. God appointed King David to unite the nation and focus their worship on the One True God. David […]

Cosechar El Torbellino
La declinación Espiritual de la gente escogida de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento contiene algunos de los más tristes pasajes de todas las Escrituras. Dios amaba mucho a los hijos de Israel, pero ellos continuamente lo rechazaban y le voltearon la espalda. Dios designó al Rey David para unir la nación de Israel y enfocar […]

His Devoted Slave
We often consider our need to more fully submit our life to God and the leading of His Spirit, to place our life in His hands and release our “self” control. We desire to be in His perfect will and serve Him with all our heart. But does our desire to serve go so far […]