Kenya School Update

Kenya School Update

This week the Kenyan Ministry of Education gave our school permission to begin with a partial reopening. We had 75 kids report for classes from grades 4 to 7. More will return over the coming weeks. There are several praises related to this reopening. We were able to keep the staff together for the last […]

His Consuming Fire

His Consuming Fire

Ice will turn to water at a temperature just above zero degrees centigrade. We might consider the water to be consumed as it turns to steam at one hundred degrees centigrade. Wood must be heated to a much higher temperature before it is consumed, and metal must be heated even more. I wonder how much […]

The Living Word

The Living Word

In the message “God’s Plumb Line” we were encouraged to build our lives upon the absolute and unwavering standard of God’s Word. His Word is truth and holds the answer to every problem we will ever confront. If we search for answers and prayerfully reflect on the truth of God’s Word – if we indeed […]

God's Plumb Line

God’s Plumb Line

Amos was a shepherd when God called him to preach to the northern kingdom of Israel. For more than one hundred and fifty years, the northern kingdom had worshipped by their own set of rules and even began to worship other gods. Amos was sent to reveal their sin and call the people to repentance. […]

We Have Been Sent

We Have Been Sent

In the last few messages, we have been encouraged to share the message of truth with whoever God places in our path. We saw the need to reach people where they are, “to the weak I became weak” (1 Corinthians 9:22), and the need to share without self-righteous condemnation. But we also saw the need […]

The Name of Jesus

The Name of Jesus

In the message “Preach The Word” we were strongly encouraged to share a message of truth which is uncompromising and aligned with the Word of God. We cannot continue to trust in the messages of the world, or in the teaching of the “religious,” when their words are not supported by Biblical Truth! Toward the […]

Preach The Word

Preach The Word

In the message “By All Possible Means” we ended with an encouragement that “we each have a message to share, a message which can encourage and be used to draw others to faith in Jesus.” We were then exhorted to “begin to share this message with ALL.” But as we boldly go out and begin […]

By All Possible Means

By All Possible Means

The Apostle Paul was a pillar of strength who saw the ways of God more clearly than any other individual. He had a unique boldness in his message because he had received the gospel directly from God: “The gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any […]

Actively Wait

Actively Wait

In the message “God’s Perfect Will” we saw that God’s will is for us to live a life of thanksgiving and prayer, a life of contentment and peace independent of circumstances. It is also “God’s will that you should be sanctified {set apart, made holy}; that you should avoid sexual immorality” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). These […]

God's Perfect Will

God’s Perfect Will

Much of our Christian walk seems to involve searching for God’s will. We search for His perfect will for our job, home, school, church, and relationships; and we are often frustrated because God seems silent regarding the details of our life. But God is not silent! His Word reveals much of His will, and a […]

Intentional Discipleship

Intentional Discipleship

In the last two messages, we have seen how Barnabas was an encouragement in the lives of Paul and Mark. We considered how Barnabas must have seen the “Christ-potential” in others and discipled them at critical seasons of their life. Discipleship involves prayer, teaching, compassion, commitment, and the ability to lead by a Godly example; […]

Son Of Encouragement

Son Of Encouragement

In the message “The Example of Barnabas” we saw how Barnabas played an essential role in Paul’s ministry. He boldly introduced Paul to the apostles in Jerusalem (Acts 9:27), and then searched for Paul when he fled Jerusalem to his home town of Tarsus (Acts 11:25-26). After taking Paul to Antioch, Barnabas remained with him […]