Teach The World His Grace
When Jesus was asked to name the greatest commandment, He said; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). Jesus clearly said the most important thing we can do in this life is to love God with absolutely every part of our […]

Enseñemos al Mundo Su Gracia
Cuando le pidieron a Jesús que mencionara el mandamiento más importante, El dijo; “Áma al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente” (Mateo 22:37). Jesús claramente dijo lo más importante que podemos hacer en esta vida es amar a Dios con cada parte de nuestro ser. […]

An Unsearchable Love
As I look back through the Scriptural account of history, I can see how God sent His Son to be born in a manger, grow and live among us, and die for our sins upon a cross. I can clearly see how the sacrifice of Jesus allows us, through faith, to enter into God’s presence. […]

Un Amor Indescifrable
De la manera que veo hacia atrás, puedo ver como Dios mandó a Su Hijo a nacer en un establo, a vivir entre nosotros y a morir por nuestros pecados en la cruz. Puedo ver claramente como el sacrificio de Jesús nos permite, a través de la fe, entrar a la presencia de Dios. Y […]

Urban Ministry – Final
A few weeks ago I was away on a bike ride for the American Cancer Society and I sent out messages from my daughter, Sarah, which she wrote as she worked throughout the summer with an urban ministry in Memphis, TN. Sarah has a unique ability to write in a way that lets us see […]

Live in His Presence
In the message “Enter His Sanctuary” we saw how the seemingly complex and confusing portions of our life are most often made clear as we open the door of our heart and enter His sanctuary. His ways are much higher than ours, “as the heavens are higher than the earth” (Isaiah 55:9), and His true […]

Vivir en Su Presencia
En el mensaje “Entra en Su Santuario” vimos como las aparentemente complejas y confusas partes de nuestra vida con frecuencia se aclaran cuando abrimos las puertas de nuestro corazón y entramos en Su santuario. Sus caminos son mucho más altos que los nuestros, “más altos que los cielos sobre la tierra” (Isaías 55:9), y Su […]

Enter His Sanctuary
In the last several messages we have considered the importance of seeking God and loving Him with ALL our heart. This is an important issue with regard to our Salvation and the eternally restored relationship to which we are called. But it’s also critical to how we view the world around us and function in […]

Entremos en Su Santuario
En varios de los últimos mensajes hemos considerado la importancia de buscar a Dios y amarlo con TODO nuestro corazón. Este es un tema importante en lo relacionado con nuestra Salvación y la eternamente restaurada relación a la que El nos está llamando. Pero es también crítico para la forma en que vemos el mundo […]

Full Measure of Our Heart
In the message “He Will Be Found” we saw that God promises to be found by those who will seek Him. But the qualifier is that He will be found by those who seek Him with ALL their heart; “you will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah […]

Medida Completa de Nuestro Corazón
En el mensaje “Él Será Encontrado” vimos como Dios promete que será encontrado por aquellos que lo buscan. Pero el calificador es que, Él sera encontrado por aquellos que lo buscan con TODO su corazón, “Me buscarán y me encontrarán, cuando me busquen de todo corazón” (Jeremías 29:13). El mensaje consistente a través de toda […]

He Will Be Found
In the message “The Cry of Our Heart” we saw how the Psalm writer longed to be close to God; “my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God” (Psalm 84:2). The writer knew his heart would only be satisfied by being in the presence of God; but unfortunately, not many of the […]