These Are God's Battles

These Are God’s Battles

During the time of King Jehoshaphat (approximately 860 B.C.), several armies began to invade the land of Judah. Being greatly outnumbered, Jehoshaphat called for a nation-wide time of fasting and prayer to seek guidance from God: “O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that […]

Never Lose Hope

Never Lose Hope

In the message “Stand Firm in The Gap” we were encouraged to continue in prayer and minister to the needs of others, to stand in the gap for those who need protection against enemy attacks, and to stand as long as necessary. This requires perseverance and complete trust in God. It can be difficult when […]

Stand Firm in The Gap

Stand Firm in The Gap

In the final years of the southern kingdom of Israel, God warned that He was going to use the king of Babylon to discipline the people unless they returned to Him with a heart of worship. But the people failed to repent and the invasion of Jerusalem began. Ezekiel was a prophet to those taken […]

Put It Into Practice

Put It Into Practice

Paul’s letter to the Philippians is one hundred and four verses filled with encouragement and joy. Paul didn’t write this letter to explain deep theology or to deal with any particular sin. Rather, his purpose was to express love for his friends and to encourage them (and us) to live a joy-filled Christian life. In […]

Follower or Fool

Follower or Fool

In the message “Arise And Walk” we were reminded that as God answers our prayers He does so in a manner which is “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). He answers according to our true need driven by His divine good. This is a difficult concept but God’s view of this […]

Arise And Walk

Arise And Walk

To grow as a Christian means to become closer, and develop a more intimate relationship, with God. This relationship begins when we are born into His family – when we ask Him to forgive our sins through faith in Jesus and begin what is intended to be an eternal communion of love. He desires for […]

Return to Give Thanks

Return to Give Thanks

One day when Jesus was traveling from Galilee to Jerusalem, ten men with leprosy approached Him and called out; “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” (Luke 17:13). Jesus didn’t immediately heal the lepers. Instead, He gave them a simple instruction; “Go, show yourselves to the priests” (Luke 17:14). A leper would only present himself to […]

Tools of The Teacher

Tools of The Teacher

[Note: This message was written several years ago. And though it contains a general message for all time, in this time of world turmoil I find it especially useful to remember and apply.] In the days of the prophet Jeremiah, God’s chosen people had turned away to worship other gods. But God longed for His […]

Misplaced Trust

Misplaced Trust

In the message “Secure In His Presence” we were encouraged to guard against anything which takes away from our complete dependence on our Heavenly Father. We saw how worldly security can sometimes cause us to close our eyes and ears to God’s leading. Becoming secure in the world means we are placing our trust in […]

School Update - Praise Report

School Update – Praise Report

Two weeks ago I reported on the discouraging news that the Kenyan government had mandated that all schools in Kenya are to remain closed until January and that all students are to repeat this educational year. The mandate remains in place and we have been trying to decide what to do with our staff. Could […]

Secure in His Presence

Secure in His Presence

Jehoiakim was king of Judah just prior to the first Babylonian invasion in 605 B.C.. He had become comfortable in the security of the palace, and an alliance with the Egyptians made him feel even more protected. But Jehoiakim led the people of Judah further away from God; “he did evil in the eyes of […]

Strain Toward the Vine

Strain Toward the Vine

Our life in these mortal bodies will always fall short of God’s standard. From the moment sin entered the world, we’ve been unable to satisfy God’s requirement of perfection. But, knowing our weakness, God gave His Son as a sacrifice to make perfect those who believe; “By one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those […]