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Be Clean

Be Clean

The term leprosy, as used in the Bible, actually refers to a whole variety of skin conditions ranging from rashes, to open sores, to various infectious diseases, and includes true leprosy as we know it today. According to God’s Law given through Moses, a person with leprosy was ceremonially unclean and not allowed to take […]

Sé Limpio

Sé Limpio

El termino lepra, de la manera que se usa en la Biblia, realmente se refiere a una gran variedad de condiciones de la piel que van desde inflamaciones, hasta llagas abiertas, y varias enfermedades infecciosas; e incluye la verdadera lepra como la que conocemos ahora. De acuerdo a la ley de Dios dada a través […]

Immeasurably More

Immeasurably More

Prayer is a vitally important part of our Christian walk, but it is often greatly misunderstood. Prayer is how we talk with our Heavenly Father. It can never be used to manipulate God or cause Him to do anything outside His perfect will. God is not ours’ to command; He is not obligated to grant […]

Inmensurablemente Mas

Inmensurablemente Mas

La oración es de vital importancia en nuestro caminar Cristiano, pero con frecuencia es malentendido. La oración es como hablamos con nuestro Padre Celestial. Nunca puede ser usada para manipular a Dios u obligarlo a hacer cualquier cosa fuera de Su perfecta voluntad. ¡Dios no es nuestro genio mágico con la misión de cumplir nuestros […]

Serve Him in Obedience

Serve Him in Obedience

In the last few messages we have considered our need to walk with God in continued obedience in order to honor Him and allow us to experience His very best. God’s plan is that we learn to live in His presence and become “conformed to the likeness of His Son” (Romans 8:29). This means we […]

Sirvámosle en Obediencia

Sirvámosle en Obediencia

En los últimos dos mensajes hemos considerado nuestra necesidad de caminar con Dios en continua obediencia a fin de darle honor a El y permitirnos experimentar lo mejor de El. El plan de Dios es que aprendamos a vivir en Su presencia y seamos “hechos conformes a la imagen de su Hijo” (Romanos 8:29). Esto […]

Our Perfect Destiny

Our Perfect Destiny

In the message “Don’t Strike The Rock” we saw how Moses disobeyed God’s command with obtaining water from the rock. God called Moses’ disobedience a lack of trust and punished him quite harshly; “Because you did not trust Me enough to honor Me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring […]

Nuestro Perfecto Destino

Nuestro Perfecto Destino

En el mensaje “No Golpees La Roca” vimos como Moisés desobedeció la orden de Dios al obtener agua de la roca. Dios llamó a la desobediencia de Moisés una falta de confianza y lo castigó con alguna severidad; “Y Jehová dijo a Moisés y a Aarón: Por cuanto no creísteis en mí, para santificarme delante […]

Every Moment is a Gift

Every Moment is a Gift

I knew the question was coming. I guess I’m surprised she hasn’t asked before now. But this week, when her stomach pain was causing tears, she asked; “Why is this happening?” And there it was. After three months of tests, surgery, and three rounds of chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, after three months of near constant […]

Don't Strike The Rock

Don’t Strike The Rock

Moses was chosen by God to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. Through Moses, God demonstrated His awesome power and holiness. At the time, there was no one closer to God than Moses. However, even with this wonderfully close relationship, Moses still struggled at times with trusting God. After being led out of […]

No Golpees la Roca

No Golpees la Roca

Moisés fue escogido por Dios para sacar al pueblo de Israel de Egipto. A través de Moisés, Dios demostró Su asombroso poder y santidad magnífica. En aquel tiempo, no había nadie mas cerca a Dios que Moisés. Sin embargo, aún con esta relación tan cercana y maravillosa, a Moisés le costó confiar en Dios. Después […]

A Faithful And Loving Bride

A Faithful And Loving Bride

In the message “Living a Holy Life” we saw that though we have freedom in Christ, we are also called to live a life of holiness. As we continue to walk with Jesus, we are called to strive for purity in our worship while understanding that nothing we do can ever add to His gift […]