So The World May Know
In the message “The Mind of Christ” we considered our call to walk according to the new life we have already been given. We then looked at several aspects of the life of Christ as our solid example to follow. We saw His walk of humility as well as His desire to serve and glorify […]

Para Que El Mundo Reconozca
En el mensaje “La Mente de Cristo” consideramos nuestro llamado de caminar de acuerdo a la nueva vida que se nos ha dado. Después vimos varios aspectos de la vida de Jesús como un solido ejemplo a seguir. Vimos Su deseo de servir y glorificar al Padre; pero probablemente los aspectos más desafiantes de la […]

The Mind of Christ
In the message “Stand Our Ground” we began with a statement that our Christian walk involves a process of renewing our mind. Paul wrote to the Romans about this renewal as an on-going process of transformation (Romans 12:2). He also wrote about a renewed mind as something which has already occurred; “But we have the […]

La Mente de Cristo
En el mensaje “Parémonos Firmes” comenzamos estableciendo que nuestro caminar Cristiano involucra un proceso de renovación de nuestra mente. Pablo escribió a los Romanos acerca de esta renovación como una transformación en marcha (Romanos 12:2). El también escribió acerca de las mentes renovadas como algo que ya sucedió; “Mas nosotros tenemos la mente de Cristo” […]

Stand Our Ground
Our Christian walk of growing closer to God and becoming more like His Son involves a process of “renewing our mind” (Romans 12:2). Our mind is renewed as we begin to consider things of eternal value rather than the fading things of the world. But no matter how far we mature in our walk, distractions […]

Parémonos Firmes
Nuestro caminar Cristiano, mientras nos acercamos a Dios y estamos transformados a la semejanza de Su Hijo, involucra un proceso de “renovar nuestra mente” (Romanos 12:2). Nuestra mente se renueva de la manera que comenzamos a considerar las cosas con valor eterno en vez de las cosas del mundo que se desvanecen. Pero no importa […]

Live Above The Noise
[Note: This message was originally sent out in 2009 when our family was traveling in a camper trailer through the northern and western United States. However, I recognize this as a message I need to hear again and again!] Today is day thirty-two of our traveling “journey.” I put journey in quotes because I’m not […]

Give Him All The Glory
Joseph had some difficult times in his early years. His brothers tried to kill him and then sold him to the Midianites. The Midianites, in turn, sold him as a slave to Potiphar who was one of Pharaoh’s officials. Joseph was then falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and thrown in prison where he sat for […]

Dar a El Toda la Gloria
José tuvo algunos tiempos difíciles en sus primeros años. Sus hermanos trataron de matarlo y luego lo vendieron a los Madianitas. Estos lo vendieron como esclavo a Potifar, que era uno de los oficiales del Faraón. Luego José fue falsamente acusado por la esposa de Potifar y puesto en prisión donde permaneció por varios años […]

The Watchman
Ezekiel was called to be a prophet after being taken captive to Babylon. Since the beginning of his ministry, Ezekiel knew his path would be difficult; he knew the people would not be receptive to his message; “The people to whom I {God} am sending you are obstinate and stubborn” (Ezekiel 2:4). And yet, from […]

El Centinela
Ezequiel fue llamado a ser profeta después de que fue llevado en cautiverio a Babilonia. Desde el principio de su ministerio, Ezequiel sabía que su camino sería difícil – él sabía que la gente no iban a estar receptiva a su mensaje; “Te estoy enviando a un pueblo obstinado y terco” (Ezequiel 2:4). Pero aún, […]

Always Seek His Counsel
As Moses was about to die, he transferred leadership of Israel to Joshua. God gave His approval of Joshua with the instructions, “Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go” (Joshua […]