A Lifetime of Conviction
Daniel was one of the first captives taken by the Babylonians in 605 BC. Upon his arrival in Babylon, Daniel was selected to receive three years of specialized training (as well as special food and drink) to prepare him for service in the palace. This special treatment would have caused Daniel to violate the laws […]

Una Vida de Convicción
Daniel fue uno de los primeros capturados por los Babilonios en el 605 AC. A su llegada a Babilonia, Daniel fue elegido para recibir tres años de entrenamiento especializado (así como comida y bebida especial) para prepararlo para el servicio en el palacio. Este servicio especial habría obligado a Daniel a violar las leyes de […]

Such a Time As This
When the Persians overthrew the Babylonians and allowed the people of Israel to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple in 538 BC, not all the Israelites chose to leave their new home. A whole generation had been born and raised under Babylonian captivity and many had become content with their life. Therefore many Jewish […]

Para Un Momento Como Este
Cuando los Persas vencieron a los Babilonios y permitieron que la gente de Israel regresara a Jerusalén a reconstruir el templo (538 AC), no todos los Israelitas eligieron dejar sus nuevas casas. Una generación completa había nacido y criado bajo la cautividad de los Babilonios y muchos estaban contentos con sus vidas. Entonces muchas comunidades […]

Dayenu – Jesus is Enough
In the message “Paid in Full” we considered the sacrifice of Jesus as the payment for our sin. His sacrifice on the cross occurred during the Jewish Passover, a yearly time of celebration and remembrance ever since God led the nation of Israel out of Egypt. The traditional Jewish Passover meal, or Seder, is designed […]

Dayenu – Jesús es Suficiente
En el mensaje “Pagada por Completo” consideramos el sacrificio de Jesús como la paga por nuestros pecados. Su sacrificio en la cruz ocurrió durante la comida de la Pascua Judía, el cual era el tiempo anual de celebración y recuerdos desde que Dios condujo a la nación de Israel fuera de Egipto. La comida tradicional […]

Paid In Full
In the message “He is Risen” we were encouraged to live as though we know Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Please don’t skim past this encouragement because you think all Christians know this simple fact. The challenge is not in knowing the correct answer, but in living consistent with the answer in terms […]

Pagada por Completo
En el mensaje “El Ha Resucitado” se nos animó a vivir como si sabemos que Jesucristo ya se levantó de la muerte. Por favor no pase por alto estas exhortaciones porque usted piensa que todos los Cristianos conocen este simple hecho. El reto no es conocer la respuesta correcta, sino en vivir consistentes con el […]

He Is Risen
On the night before He was crucified, Jesus, while in great anguish, showed the human side of His nature and asked if there was another way for God’s plan to be accomplished; “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me” (Matthew 26:39a). Though He knew He would be physically, emotionally, […]

El Ha Resucitado
La noche antes de ser crucificado Jesús, mientras estaba en gran angustia, mostró el lado humano de Su naturaleza y preguntó si había otro método para que el plan de Dios se cumpliera; “Padre mío, si es posible, pase de mí esta copa” (Mateo 26:39a). Aún cuando El sabía que sería físicamente, emocionalmente, y espiritualmente […]

Right Where He Wants Us
Joseph was the second youngest son of Jacob and was greatly loved by his father. In fact, his brothers developed a jealous hatred for him because their father “loved Joseph more than any of his other sons” (Genesis 37:3). Their hatred for Joseph continued to grow until they “sold him for twenty shekels of silver […]